The year of 2009 is coming to the end and so to my age. I am leaving the 27th years old’s body, mind, spirit and ton of memories need to be burnt and buried. Only Allah knows, how terrible my life along this year but like Maria Robbinson says;
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”
Insya’allah, I will open the 2010 with happiness and joy. So it will trigger the whole year with laughter and success. I won’t start the year with things that Allah not granted because based on my experience on 2009 ‘the bad starting will destroy the goodness of the entire year’. That’s what I believe today. To be frank, 2009 is the worst year I ever had. Bad luck all the way!
Like Maria Robbinson said above, it’s one of brilliant option for people to start today and stop wasting time by regretting the past. I am certainly will choose TODAY even I know deep inside I am a bit disarray. Yes, I am going to be 28 next month and I believe a huge miracle will happen in order to replace my huge failure when I was 27. I should be lucky Allah has stopped ‘Esen’s Journey’ last July. I am not saying Esen is not worth it to be carried out but too many mistakes, issues and tears which day by day cut my deepest confidence and integrity. I was not strong enough for Esen or even for myself. Anyhow, I hope those good friends that I’ve lost along 2009 will find their way to give me a forgiveness sincerely because I already did. Rest in peace ESEN!

I have many unreachable dreams and now I am adding one more by creating a runway to spread my wings. I really want to fly because I have lot of issues can be settled by achieving it. Furthermore, it really equals to ESEN ‘great talent will come with great responsibility’. The beginning is very tough because it relates to financial but Allah is great. I will find the witty to make it. I WILL MAKE IT! That is my ultimate resolution for 2010. ONLY ONE!

2010 will witness my undying battle and bunch of glory!
Thanks to Allah for giving me bunch of new friends to make my life colourful again. This time I will cherish each and every of them more than I ever did before.

Happy new year to everyone! Hoooray!