To whom it may concern:

It might be a sorry song for liars but a song can never be exchanged for a confession because the truth hurts. For the sake of happiness, lets sacrifice it. Life would be more meaningful if we knew the most important part in love.

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Sometimes it pays to come clean, but often it can lead to more problems than it solves. Not only are such decisions difficult to make, but given the nature of the problem, it is often hard to discuss your options with others.

The most painful and hurtful thing you can do to someone doesn't necessarily involve:- deception; it usually involves telling the truth. Typically, the best way to hurt a romantic partner is by being completely honest - tell a lover something that he or she does not want to hear. Lovers often lie to each other about many types of issues, issues which are common whenever two people get close, but issues which cannot be easily resolved through discussion Again, as someone's looks fade, what's the point of being brutally honest about it? And we are happier and feel closer to our romantic partners when we do not have to acknowledge such painful, hurtful truths.

In fact, we like it when our lover hide unpleasant facts from us. As long as we are not aware that our partners are hiding things, ignorance can be blissful.

On the other hand, when we really want to hurt someone, we often say what we really think. Anyone who has been involved in a divorced knows first-hand how damaging the truth can be. When people are no longer concerned about keeping a relationship intact, the truth comes out fast and furious and it stings.
While telling the truth in a romantic relationship can often lead to a lot of hurt, pain, and suffering - deception is not a luxury, sometimes lying is absolutely necessary.

Some says, fix it before too late but Mr. Hitler is seemed not so support to that idea. To him, if you wanted to lie, make it hugely until people make it as a believing. He was brave enough to sustain the secret to tarnish the Jewish’s population in Germany back in 1938. Wish I was the Hitler because everyone will listen to me without objection and resentment.

In reality, no one could stand to hear everything. And deception is often required because it allows people to share with lives with each other while avoiding difficult issues which cannot always be discussed away.
Make no mistake about it, telling the truth is necessary in a close relationship. But, always telling the truth often leads to more problems than good.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” - Hitler


P/s: I am deeply sorry.