I miss you, Farahi.
I had 19 hours of sleeping and when I woke up, I knew that I was missing her so bad. I know the remark that I have left last year to her and ‘all of them’ will never be erased especially to Evy and Pae too. If I could turn back time, how I wish to go back to the years where nothing else matter to us but FUN.
She has been a good friend to me since I was 16 years old. She was the first who came to Hospital Kuala Lumpur to calm me down after my ayah died. She was there all the time for me, she never left me.
( I miss you Evy)

She was there for me since my secondary years, my scooter’s years, my gym’s years, my first car’s accident, my first interview as a PR, my esen’s years and she has shown me the meaning of a true friendship. To the extent, whenever I had extra money or time I would rather spend it out with her. She was everything to me. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Her existence was more important than to have a boyfriend. She was the one who introduced me on how to have a fun life. She very understood towards my siblings’ character. She knew I will never be looking at them whenever I had trouble. No friends would sacrifice much to me as she did. She was always aware of my daily eating time. She will never leave me hunger; whenever I was sick, she will always be there to bring me to the clinic. This is because she always knew that I had nobody in this life to really care about me. This same goes to Evy and Pae.
( I miss you Abby)

In my entire life, the names that always crossed in my mind whether in good or bad times are Farahi and Abby. They knew my habits and characters well. Later then, Farahi had introduced me another comfort zone for me and she was Evy and Pae. Without Farahi, how was I supposed to know them? She was the comfort zone creator for me. I wonder, what is she doing now? How is her second baby in her tummy? I still remember vividly that I always had an early dinner with her and AU2, Keramat. I was very caring about her eating habit during her first pregnancy. I always talked to her unborn baby ‘ ADAM’ those days. How badly I wanted to see him. I really want to hear he mentions my name “ Untie Yus”. I think, I will not have a chance to hear that and same goes to Abby's Junior ( Aryan) Evy’s junior ( Qaseh) and Pae’s son (Ali). Those lovely kids, I know they will never know my name. I just gone with the wind.
( I miss you , pae)
I guess, that’s who I am The Wind That Passes By. I know, I deserve it after all I have done. Tapi aku sangat rindu korang sume. Macam mana nak hilangkan sume ni.

Tolonglah Kembali :(
If you ever read this someday soon. Please listen to this song, a song that I love to sing everytime with you guys. " Strangers In the night"