Today is another lazy day for me. Candyman is still at Setiu, Terengganu. He is having his time well by waking up late like 12pm in the AFTERNOON. I know he is very happy to be there with the family around. I am terribly missing Candyman now . Wish i could fly there and give him a hug . What a lame story I write now!
It is 2.05pm and I am still not shower. I wonder what would be the time I will get shower ? 4.05? Or 4.30? I think I will get shower soon after I’m done with this blog writing. Renni called me this morning, she was babbling about my “ Mini Big Day” which will be by this end of year. ‘ Cross Finger’. She was telling me to not overspend and overdo for that day. It will be wasteful if I don’t be careful in planning it. Well, I think she was right. But whatever it is I have to discuss with Candyman about this because it relates to his and mine financial. So far, he is kind of happy with the Engineering Firm that he’s been working for right now. But , do I ever get a chance to have a customade ring for that Mini Big Day if he is still work for this company? . Will I ever get one of it for my Mini Big Day? I asked Renni what is the cost of that customade ring and she said:
Renni: The ring is RM 3700, Yus.
Me: GULP! What? RM3700. Hahahah I don’t think he affords it. I don’t think so.
Renni: Ubai said the ring should be a special one. So that’s why he did it that way.
Me: Herm….hahahahha I don’t think I will go for that.
I have to get my feet close to the ground now. Unless he manages to get a job at any oil field’s firm, then I can propose something luxury. Anyhow, am I worth for a cheap sale ring? I am expecting two rings, perhaps I should think twice in selecting the brand. In that case, one of the rings can be a Habib Jewel. NOT BOTH! Well it is still early of the year; I have 8 months to go. What matter most now is the MONEY. No money, no talk . As usual, I want that day to be remembered. I want it to be happening, simple yet beautiful .
Happening = Good food with joy. People are happy with laughter.
Simple = Not a luxury event.
Beautiful = Smell good with roses everywhere.